Monday, March 30, 2009

The Malaysian-Lights :)

Assalamualaikum warah matullahi wa barakatuh…. I am Azri, born in Kota Bharu, Kelantan (just born there, because I can’t speak Kelantanese at all), and being raised in Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur. I am a simple guy: dress simple, think simple and live in a simple life. Posh is my worst enemy. Music inspires me, and I find guitar soothes me. If anyone can make an analogy between these two, I would say music is my devoted wife, and guitar is my mistress.

Assalamualaikum. My name's Zulkhairi. Futsal and football are two things which i'm most passionate about. It's hard for me to say no to local and italian food. Although i don't have italian blood, that doesn't affect my voracious appetite for their culinary delights. I'm a simple guy and a bit on the quiet side.
I make use of my vocal chords mostly when it's absolutely necessary. Afterall, empty vessels do make the loudest noise. Humour and life go hand in hand. Being able to laugh at yourself once in awhile is essential for getting through daily struggles. :)

Hi! I'm Hidayah, I'm from Malacca. I am a bubbly crazy girl and I really-really-really love to talk. I can talk about so many things for sooo many hours, believe me, I'm good. Hehe I'm asked to write a brief introduction about me, well, yeah, I'll try to make it short, but, no promises though. :P Well, besides talking, I also enjoy reading novels, magazines, books, etc, but I'm not a nerd ok. Haha I love watching movies and hanging out with my friends. Besides that, I also love watching football. Man U rocks! Sorry Zul, Chelsea's not that good. pbbtt~! haha And by the way, since I really love talking and reading, I wish I can be a good lecturer in the near future. Hehe later~

Assalamualaikum~~I'm Nur'ain Balqis, and you can call me Ain or even Balqis (which one you prefer) Hehe! Well, there's nothing much about me, nothing interesting to be exact. I love reading! Naah~!I only read whenever I feel like doing so. I'm definitely interested in arts, especially the performing arts. Believe it or not, my first choice was not IIUM but UiTM in "Seni Persembahan". Too bad, I didn't get the chance to be in the audition. Before I go much further, it's better for me to end it here. So, that is basically it about me. TARA!